
Expected returns:

Like all other investment managers, the product we sell to our capital partners is expected return streams.

On that basis, we believe our product is the best we’ve ever identified in our collective careers.

Thora’s first principle beliefs with respect to portfolio construction stand on the conviction that expected return streams that are ideal considerations for addition to well-structured portfolios should consist of either incremental expected returns accretive to portfolio returns without amplifying portfolio risks or diminish portfolio risk without diluting portfolio returns. We believe that for most existing portfolios, Thora’s expected returns provide both benefits: higher expected returns and lower overall portfolio risk. In most investment frameworks, this is defined as the most sought-after of portfolio attributes: “alpha”.

Aside from alpha, the attributes of Thora’s expected return streams include:

  • Limited correlations with other investment strategies
  • High income yield
  • Low spread of potential outcomes
  • Global diversification
  • High transparency
  • Consistent compounding of capital over extended durations